MAY 2014

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Coming in through that last month – specially since we didn’t know it was the last month. One day we went to North Beach and they played Mermaid and the Scurvey Pirate and they talked of many things and collected seashells. I thought we had so many things we could do – but time ran out.

I have just had a gloriously passionate night and an old compadre is bringing her brood back and with her I can talk of Passion and Grief and Heartbreak and Family and Love and Hate. Coming back to our Promised Land.

Because , you see, I am in the stage now, where I know he stays dead. I don’t get to talk to him again or hear the deep beautiful voice or watch his hands on a bass guitar. Ever again. I don’t get to wake him in the middle of the night. Ever again.

Hey Iz,  Doing OK here now. Miss you so much. I am trying to make sure the things you wanted happen. And I would love you to see the girls and this Shack. I believe you would really have been happy here. I am trying to get the Fairy Garden going and there is a most flourishing chilli bush out there and fruit trees and a very good run all round town clear to Anchor’s Wharf. I have a kayak and I swim and I walked to the end of the Footbridge and stood where you stood. 

I am going to bed soon,  I am using our new mattress and I have an electric blanket to keep me warm. I haven’t got the Rinnai hooked up as yet – and I miss you . I miss you.

Nearing Midnight and time for sleeping.

Today, my family made a choko angel for the Bellingen Show.

choko angel


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We are coming into the stretch leading to the day he ran off into the Forest. These pictures are from last May. How happy and content we were – with masses of plans and dreams and much love surrounding us. We had music and children and animals and gardens. I wonder what made those Two think they had a right to take the material possessions which were OURS. I almost allowed them possession of the Spiritual and Emotional things as well – but I believe I am coming good. Because we were very happy. I was kind to him that last month. Some instinctual thing. And so we smiled and ate out and made our home and loved and laughed. Bravo, Izzy ! We love you.