Keeping Quiet: Sylvia Boorstein Reads Pablo Neruda’s Beautiful Ode to Silence | Brain Pickings

THIS is what I am pleased about. That I have not treated this as a “journey” or a “passage” or any other throwaway cliche. I have simply sat within it. And I still do.

Keeping Quiet: Sylvia Boorstein Reads Pablo Neruda’s Beautiful Ode to Silence

by Maria Popova

An lyrical reminder to break the momentum of busyness that fuels “the sadness of never understanding ourselves.”

“Make a place to sit down. Sit down. Be quiet…” So begins Wendell Berry’s “How to Be a Poet,” tucked into which is tremendous sagacity on how to be a good human being. “The impulse to create begins… in a tunnel of silence,” wrote Adrienne Rich in her tremendous lecture on art and freedom. “Every real poem is the breaking of an existing silence.”

via Keeping Quiet: Sylvia Boorstein Reads Pablo Neruda’s Beautiful Ode to Silence | Brain Pickings.

via Keeping Quiet: Sylvia Boorstein Reads Pablo Neruda’s Beautiful Ode to Silence | Brain Pickings.